For close to a decade now, we’ve helped and taught people how to find and treat the root syndrome of their health issues the natural way. Our wealthy knowledge of different styles of both diagnoses and treatments has made us stand out like a colorful parrot amongst a flock of turkeys. We have treated and taught over 100 thousand people in more than 500 cities in over 20 countries.

Olaking International Holistic Medicine Company (OIHM) Limited birthed OIHM Clinic which is now an integral part of the company was founded by Dr. Qazeem Olawale who is one of Africa’s leading natural medicine doctors and neuroacupuncturists

At OIHM company, we pride ourselves on a “where treatment, teaching, and discovery come together” slogan because we’ve successfully managed and treated people with so-called incurable or life-threatening diseases such as HIV, Cancer, Hepatitis among others. One thing we tell and prove to people is that “there is no such thing as an incurable disease, but there may be an incurable case”

In the last few years of our operations, we have also successfully raised the bar of natural medicine practice in Nigeria by increasing the number of qualified practitioners through our training courses in an environment that are densely populated with quackery.


Our core values determine what matters to us. They are the basic standard of our company and affect every decision we make as an organization.

1. We nurture & inspire our patients

Our patients are our students and our doctors are their teachers. Our patients are the reason we exist and are still operational. Our patients make us that’s why we always and in all ways, strive to exceed your expectations, inspiring you to greater health of body, mind, and soul. We go the extra mile to nurture and inspire you by simply working together with you as a team, making your health goals our goals.

2. Quality and Safety Measures

The quality natural medicines available at OIHM Clinic have also made us stand out. The quality and safety of the medicines you take, matter. On account of that, our medicines are produced carefully and thorough standard measures are established. They are free of toxins, impurities, or unnecessary ingredients. You can trust us!

3. Excellence, Commitment, and Compassionate Care

We listen to you actively & compassionately. We know how people feel when utmost respect, benevolence, and integrity are established in a system. They feel fulfilled and happy. We act this way too. You are a human being first before becoming a patient. So rest assured of beautiful communications and respectful relationships with us. And thank you very kindly for choosing us.

4. Great Things To Great and Positive Minds

Being great in our healthcare and service to you is our topmost preference. Each one of us deserves the best and hence we challenge ourselves to be truly great ~ for you, but also ourselves. Interestingly, doing this had kept us trusted, authentic, vibrant, and growing.


Our mission is simple. To transform your illness into healthiness. We aspire to assist your whole person to reach a healthy level of stability, and overall well-being through integrative medicine, by God’s grace.


To be an avant-garde leader and trailblazer in the evolution of integrative medicine and consolidated health care practices to the world at large. We will make natural medicine an integral part of health care through clinical services, top-notch education, and meritorious research, by God’s grace.


The Cynosure of Natural Healthcare Services In Africa: At OIHM company, we pride ourselves on a “where treatment, teaching, and discovery come together” slogan because we’ve successfully managed and treated people with so-called incurable or life-threatening diseases such as HIV, Cancer, Hepatitis among others. One thing we tell and prove to people is that “there is no such thing as an incurable disease, but there may be an incurable case”.

Virtual Consultation 24/7

Monday : 09.00 - 15.00
Tuesday : 09.00 - 15.00
Wednesday : 09.00 - 15.00
Thursday : 09.00 - 15.00
Friday : 09.00 - 15.00
Sat & Sun : Virtual Consultation Only

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